That’s the only word I need to describe the event. Just….wow.
The show went off perfectly. Everyone enjoyed themselves, the comics were hilarious, the volunteers were great, and we raised right around 2,000 dollars for a very deserving charity.
Here are some pictures from the event: (thanks Ashley!!!)
Click here to buy Stewart’s Album on itunes!
Every single seat was full…amazing.
SO…that was incredibly incredible and I will be putting another one together soon, but this week I’m just going to relax.
Unfortunately I did not get to the juggling or trumpet playing or finishing my books, with the new puppy, and dealing with Larry’s injury, it turned out to be impossible. Unfortunately…
After Larry got injured and I took him to the vet, things were just fine or so I thought. Turns out his injuries were worse than we originally thought, and I had to put him down.
This is my favorite picture of me and Larry.
It was coming up on 3 years that I’ve had him, and he was so damn old that you could barely ever tell that he actually knew who I was or even liked me. But every once in a while at night, while we were sleeping, he’d wake up and scoot closer to me and lay his head down right on my side. That was the best. I wake up now in the morning, and he’s not there, and it breaks my heart a little. I’m really going to miss him.
Here are some of my favorite Larry pictures:
Rest in peace, buddy. I love you.