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September 20th


Well we made it. We’re here. The big show is tomorrow. I’m not nervous at all. I’m just so flippin excited. As it turns out, this is my 200th blog post. So that tied a nice little bow on things didn’t it?

Let’s take a look at these gifs from SNL that indicate my excitement level for tomorrows comedy show:








Well that last one is just for me.

That’s all I’ll say on tonight’s post. I have so much going on right now that I have to cut this one super short. I promise on Sunday I’ll post a huge blog post with pictures from the event and the rundown of how I think it went.

This was my Friday night:


I was in an improv murder mystery show and it was actually REALLY REALLY good. I was super happy with everyone’s performances…plus I really knocked #14 on the list out of the park!


1. Blog about it daily. DONE!

2. 1600 Calories a day. DONE! Down about 21 pounds now.

3. Only meals that have been cooked by someone not paid to cook. So like mom’s dinner yes, delivery pizza no. DONE!

4. Read 4 books. Done with Delivering Happiness…next up is my friend Erin’s recommendation: Let’s Pretend This Never Happened…then Teresa’s recommendation: The Art of Racing in the Rain…then Emily’s recommendation: Warmth of Other Suns

5. Work out once a day for more than 30 minutes. (this is going to be lenient, like walking is acceptable) DONE!

Millie is all the exercise I need is what I keep telling myself

6. Tweet one joke a day (I will be posting this one to Twitter @kenbonowitz) DONE!

Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at 10.54.02 PM

I was actually really proud of the “if you look Closely” one…but nobody was really getting it…if you don’t….Glenn Close was the star of Fatal Attraction…so if you look Closely…as in you look like her….#explainingjokesisfun

7. Drink only water. DONE! I’m probably going to get drunk tomorrow night…sorry everyone’s boobs that I’m going to touch.

8. 100% Abstinence (yes, that means no flogging the pope, or whatever awesome euphemism you use) DONE!

9. Do one RAOK a day! (this will probably be pretty lenient as well, but we’ll see)

I’ll tell this story Sunday when I have more time.

10. Surprise someone everyday. (probably my favorite submission out of all of them) DONE!

Same as ^

11. Learn to juggle 4 things…SUNDAY BLOG

12. Learn a song on the trumpet. SUNDAY BLOG

13. Spend zero dollars (ON MYSELF) DONE!

14. Look like fat Thor (DONE!)

15. No texting. I will be available to call or Skype or email. But I won’t be texting. (I AM however SNAPCHATTING BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME)

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