I’m so busy trying to get everything in these last few days!
Millie is trying to make this difficult.
Example #1:
Example #2:
Example #3:
So we’re getting down to crunch time and I am going to have SUPER limited time to blog…so these will be a little shorter towards the end I’m sure.
Everything is really coming together for the comedy show. I did a quick set over in South Bend tonight to kinda go over what I’ll be doing Saturday, and it went really well so I’m confident Saturday will be a lot of fun and not as nerve inducing as I thought.
Just kidding, I’m going to be nervous as SHIT.
Like…McLovin nervous.
OK you get it.
1. Blog about it daily. DONE!
2. 1600 Calories a day. DONE! Down about 20 pounds now.
3. Only meals that have been cooked by someone not paid to cook. So like mom’s dinner yes, delivery pizza no. DONE!
4. Read 4 books. Done with Delivering Happiness…next up is my friend Erin’s recommendation: Let’s Pretend This Never Happened…then Teresa’s recommendation: The Art of Racing in the Rain…then Emily’s recommendation: Warmth of Other Suns
5. Work out once a day for more than 30 minutes. (this is going to be lenient, like walking is acceptable) DONE!
Millie yet again with the playing in the yard.
6. Tweet one joke a day (I will be posting this one to Twitter @kenbonowitz) DONE!
7. Drink only water. DONE!
8. 100% Abstinence (yes, that means no flogging the pope, or whatever awesome euphemism you use) DONE!
9. Do one RAOK a day! (this will probably be pretty lenient as well, but we’ll see) DONE!
I went so far out of my way for a client today I should get a seamless gutter MEDAL.
10. Surprise someone everyday. (probably my favorite submission out of all of them) DONE!
I surprised my neighbor with Millie today! She fell in love with her immediately of course.
11. Learn to juggle 4 things….I’m SO CLOSE on this one!!!
12. Learn a song on the trumpet. YOU KNOW WHY AGAIN – NOT DONE
13. Spend zero dollars (ON MYSELF) DONE!
14. Look like fat Thor (DONE!)
15. No texting. I will be available to call or Skype or email. But I won’t be texting. (I AM however SNAPCHATTING BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME)