March 11th
Well it’s official, I’m the greatest man that’s ever lived. Yes, that’s a smurfskin rug. I’m not sure if you saw last night’s picture…but yeah, it said 276.0 So yeah, ummm I lost .4 pounds in a day....
View ArticleMarch 12th
Ankle still feels like I sprained it pretty badly, but it is DEFINITELY getting better. I’m going to get the diet stuff out of the way because I’ve totally got something better to talk to you guys...
View ArticleMarch 13th
If you haven’t noticed yet…I did stand up for the first time last night. From what people are telling me, I’m probably the greatest person to ever live, and my comedy cures HIV. The video is on last...
View ArticleMarch 14th
While I’m a generally positive person, there are times at work when I lose my cool about random things. 97% of the time, it’s due to someone doing something to me or the company that I feel is...
View ArticleMarch 15th
I decided to take my computer with me to PA. I’m taking this whole “stop being tubby” thing seriously. This should be evidenced by the other thing I brought with me: Yes. You are seeing that...
View ArticleMarch 16th and 17th
I went to Pennsylvania this weekend to attend my buddy’s mom’s funeral services. It was touching and that whole family is just great. I asked them to adopt me, they said, “Who are you again?” I...
View ArticleMarch 18th
I’m super tired. I think the drive back from PA did me in. I had a very hectic day at work and I forgot to eat. That happens a lot these days, when I don’t focus my entire day around food, it just...
View ArticleMarch 19th
Early post tonight because I’m going to try to get some household stuff done, you know, around the house. I’m going to go buy some cooking paraphernalia so that I don’t have to try to mince garlic with...
View ArticleMarch 20th
There’s that. Oh, the ankle wrap? Turns out if you have a flare up of the gout, and then you walk around with an inflamed ankle that isn’t fully healed, and then you twist your gout filled ankle, it...
View ArticleMarch 21st
Today is my day off from life. I’ve been told to lie down for 48 hours. I’m watching the NCAA tourney and eating and drinking and living life. I’ll post more after I get up and you know, start being a...
View ArticleMarch 27th
Sorry bout that…I kinda fell off the deep end over the weekend. Willpower eluded me. Orrrrrrrrr I eluded it. But I will say… IT WAS AWESOME. I ate and drank and carried on and blah blah blah blah: I...
View ArticleApril 1
My son was a good boy. He was a little misunderstood. But he didn’t deserve to lose his life, by his hand or by any other. I’m sorry to say that Ben is dead. I don’t know how to make any of his funny...
View ArticleApril 14th
SO! My ankles are still jacked up and I can run around too much, and I’m still right around 270 somewhere and blah blah blah. I don’t care because I’ve found a new hobby that I am THE WORST AT but also...
View ArticleApril 28th
Here’s the catch up: We are running longer hours at work now that it’s getting into our busier season. So 6:30am to at least 4:30 everyday, but most times it ends up being 5:30 or 6 before I actually...
View ArticleMay 27th
Well it’s been about a year since sat down and wrote my first blog post. June 2012 was a great month. For those of you that are new-ish-er to the blog, that was the first Willpower month that I...
View ArticleAugust 31st
It’s about 7PM. I’ve been Googling (I shit you not) Small-Business Strategy, and other buzzword type thingys on the interweb for about an hour. I think I got a few decent ideas to try out at the...
View ArticleSeptember 1
This is how I feel every time I tell a joke on stage that I personally feel should have got a better reaction. Especially if there is some sort of wordplay involved. Adding to the confusion, I have a...
View ArticleSeptember 2nd
Upon my own reading of this blog, it contains VERY little comedy and is written very business like…probably because I was “to-do” listing all day…feel free to not read this one as it contains next to...
View ArticleSeptember 3rd
I was feeling lazier than normal so I just recorded the majority of tonight’s stuff. There’s a decently funny story right off the bat but after the 4 minute 30 second mark I kind of just ramble. Here’s...
View ArticleSeptember 4th
My favorite thing I saw online today: I think the way the guy laughs seals it for me…just good stuff. Update on my track-marked looking arm from donating blood yesterday: My arm looks like I use drugs....
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