As this CLEARLY hilarious graphic illustrates, it’s been about 8 months since we’ve talked.
How’s the job? How about that gun your grandpa left you with specific instructions not to pull the trigger? How about your excitement level that my blog is back in regards to the direction of “up”?
Fired? I thought so.
My neck is better. I’ve lost about 35 pounds. Work is in full swing. Improv is off for the summer. I didn’t pick crochet back up after my hand started working again.
I started this blog as a bunch of willpower challenges that took things to extremes for laughs and maybe a little bit to better myself. Now that I’m learning what muderation moteration moderishin moderation is…things have been better. I still cocktail it on the weekends but I no longer eat crap food or if I do, I limit it to about 300-500 calories at a time. That’s where the 35 pounds have gone in the past 2 months.
I’ve been listening to a bunch of podcasts/audio books about self improvement and they’ve really helped me. SO…I thought…why not just update once a week for about an hour….a recap of my week and what I’ve done and what I’m trying these days to be more productive, more successful, and a better person.
So that’s what I’m going to do. For 6 weeks, once every week…I’m just going to post about the new things I’ve been trying, specifically the success or failure I’ve experienced with them in my effort to be the best me I can be.
Here’s the first thing that I’ve tried. I highly recommend it:
I mean, there’s SLIGHTLY more to it than that. First, I don’t see the point of making something all organized and nice when in less than 24 hours I’m just going to mess it all up again. LEAVE THE DAMN BED MESSY AND JUST CRAWL BACK IN…it saves time, it’s easy, you don’t have to think about it, and no one is going to see it anyway.
Get up in the morning and before you do literally anything else, just make your bed. It takes what? 1 minute? So you mean to tell me that in the very first minute upon waking for that entire DAY, you’ve ALREADY accomplished something? You already get to check something off as a “yup, I did something today”? You get an accomplished feeling within 60 seconds of getting out of bed?
This might set off a chain reaction. You might start earning all these little daily “wins” that started with having made your bed in the morning. I’ve been doing it for about a week after 34 years of not making my bed. I’ll tell you what…my favorite part is coming home to a nicely made bed. I get a nice calm feeling at night walking into my room and seeing the bed is made. Instead of ending my day feeling like i’m disorganized, it helps calm me down and let me prep for a great night’s sleep.
Try it. It takes 1 minute. It’s had a very positive impact on me. Let me know what you think.
See you next week!
Good to be back!!