Between 263-266LBS
That’s what two different scales told me today, so I have no idea where I’m really at, which is weird, but I know that’s less than where I started at 274 or 276 or whatever that was…so I’ve either lost 13 pounds, or 6 pounds….depending on the scale?
I know, I am disappointed that my original scale broke…but we’ll make due. I did splurge and purchase another one, because I’m considering that a necessity this month.
Millie destroyed her crate with poo, so I cleaned that this morning again and then took her to the vet. They gave her some meds and she’s now sleeping. I hope she doesn’t create a poo-nado in there tonight while I’m sleeping, I’ve cleaned enough poop in the past couple days.
I made it up to noon hoops today which was great, and I also hit the gym after I clocked out of work around 6pm. Which resulted in this:
Followed by this:
So I feel pretty good about that.
Not so much random, but today is the first of five days of watching my friends’ dog:
She shakes every time I hold her, but then again…I don’t blame her. Look at that BEARD.
Here are her and Millie getting to know each other. Millie thinks she is a toy, hilarity ensues:
She is on a leash because I don’t know if she can fit through my fence and that’s a phone call I don’t want to have to make…
Hey guys! Hope vaca is super fun! Everything is so great here in good ole LaPorte, not a thing to worry about *cough* ilostyourdog *cough* so just totally have a great time and we’ll see you when you get back, mmmkay?
I also pulled over and picked up a large cardboard box that was hanging out in the middle of the road as people were driving around it.
This weekend I’ll be emceeing all three shows and the headliner has been on TV! Ohhhh snap!
Jacob Williams from Jacob Williams on Vimeo.
So that should be really fun.
1. Blog about it everyday: DONE
2. Wake up at 5 am on week days and 7am on weekends: Millie loves to poop in her cage, and I don’t think Nike fuel give me enough points for cleaning it up.
3. Must physically step foot into the YMCA and workout every morning before work (P90X doesn’t count): Two workouts today…whew.
4. Floss everyday (I just know I should do it more) DONE!!
5. Teach Millie to come to me. (she knows “sit”…and that’s all) DONE!
6. Do a Random Act Of Kindness (RAOK) everyday. DONE X2~!
7. Say “yes” to something once a week that I would normally have said “no” to. 3/7 (number three is coming Thursday)
8. 5 Videos for Charity
9. Weigh 242 pounds or under at the end of the 50 days or donate 1,000 dollars to the KKK
10. Eat one meal that has vegetables in it every week. Which means I will ingest 7 more vegetables than I would have normally. 3/7
The add ons:
11. Nothing to drink other than water (no booze, pop, beer, OJ, milk, Crystal Light…NADA) DONE
12. Publish one new joke on Twitter every day. DONE
13. Only eat food that has been purchased at the grocery store and/or prepared by someone not paid to do so. DONE
14. Keep an accurate calorie count of all food every day. DONE
15. No spending money on anything other than necessities (example…bills, groceries, clothes are ok) DONE
16. Full abstinence (because any willpower month that doesn’t include not touching your dick is just silly) DONE
17. Wear the Nike Fuel band every day and hit 3,000 fuel points everyday CRUSHED IT TODAY
18. Finally learn a damn song on the trumpet.